Free & Clear

Free & Clear

Holistic Living
Just as you might enjoy the easy feeling of stepping into a room that’s tidy and clutter-free, energetic space-clearing invites a fresh, bright energy into the spaces where we work and live, and, ultimately, into our lives. For thousands of years, different forms of space-clearing, including the Chinese harmonic system feng shui, have been preformed […]

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Collagen Boosting Super Foods

Collagen Boosting Super Foods

Clean Eating
When we talk about a eating foods that best support skin health, prime among those choices are foods that the body needs in order to build and to maintain collagen. Collagen serves as skin’s substructure, found throughout all three layers of the dermis, giving skin strength, elasticity and resiliency. As we age, we produce less […]

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There’s Nothing Sweeter

There’s Nothing Sweeter

Clean Eating
It is truly good news when indulgence, delight and good health all come into harmony! With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we’re happy to report that English researchers have recently discovered that eating cacao—found in cocoa beans, and the key ingredient in chocolate—is beneficial to skin, boasting many anti-aging effects. Dark chocolate, like tea, […]

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Caring for the Man in Your Life

Caring for the Man in Your Life

Holistic Beauty
A question I’m asked often is, which Tammy Fender formulations best serve men’s skin? In honor of Valentine’s Day—and sharing what you love—I’m happy to offer this protocol for holistically caring for the men’s skin. Of course, each person’s path to perfect balance is unique, but in general men’s skin is different from women’s skin […]

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The Body Knows – The Gift of Intuition

The Body Knows – The Gift of Intuition

Sleep & Rest
What does the heart comprehend that the mind can’t fathom? Well, plenty! Intuition is one of our most powerful gifts, and when we tap into its potential it guides us like internal radar along a path that so beautifully improves overall wellbeing. While it can feel nearly impossible to find the time to reconnect with […]

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An Extraordinary Element – Water

An Extraordinary Element – Water

Clean Eating
In holistic healing, we often talk about coming into balance, guiding the whole being into its most natural state. But whenever that notion starts to sound a little esoteric, I like to remember that, more than almost anything, our health relies on our most precious, and most basic, resource—water. The connection is so fundamental, so […]

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Message in a Bottle: Discover your Signature Aroma

Message in a Bottle: Discover your Signature Aroma

Holistic Beauty
Sometimes we are so intensely drawn in by a scent, whether Rose, Lavender, Sandalwood, Neroli or fresh mint, that our delight in it is almost delirious. Don’t you love those moments? We feel that we simply can not get enough of that wonderful, transporting, heavenly aroma, inhaling it as deeply as we can and pulling […]

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Facial Meditation

Facial Meditation

Holistic Beauty
At Tammy Fender we often speak about the beauty that glows from within, and every one of our formulations is designed to help you achieve a natural radiance. But there is also a fundamental way that you can boost the healing and revealing process by devoting a small amount of time each day—even just several […]

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Friends & Family

Friends & Family

Holistic Beauty
As one of the ancients put it, friendship is a slow ripening fruit, but whether you’ve been with us since the beginning, or whether you just tried your first Tammy Fender formulation last week, we like to think of each and every one of our customers and clients as friends and family from the very […]

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Facial Massage: Healing Heart and Mind

Facial Massage: Healing Heart and Mind

Holistic Beauty
The benefits of facial massage – enhances nourishment and cleansing of tissues which makes for a glowing complexion. maintains good tone and elasticity to all skin layers which helps to hold youthful contours – melts away facial tension smoothing wrinkles and brings gentleness to the expression -redirects supple energies relieving stiffness through the entire body. […]

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Summer Essentials: Simplicity and Serenity

Summer Essentials: Simplicity and Serenity

Sleep & Rest
Summer grants us the space and peace to plunge into a voyage of discovery—whether traveling abroad or sticking close to home this season. As the days grow long and bright, it’s as if the hours suddenly open up wide and we can carve out time for ourselves in a way that might otherwise be utterly […]

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Ringing in Spring

Ringing in Spring

Holistic Living
Is there anything quite as re-energizing as a good old-fashioned spring cleaning? Spring is a great time to sweep away the cobwebs, to simplify, to clarify and to make the preparations that both literally and figuratively bring life to blossom. Here at Tammy Fender, we can imagine that one day the dedicated, consistent care we […]

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How would you describe the overall condition of your skin?


Do any of the following conditions currently affect your skin?

Congested / Enlarged Pores
Tired Eyes, Puffiness, Loss of Elasticity
Redness and Irritation
Dull, Lifeless Skin

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