Springtime awakens everything...

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Starting fresh is one of the ...

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I love this time of year

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The Power of Water

The Power of Water

Clean Eating
Everyone’s talking about interconnection these days, but one of the things I love about summer is how perfectly it reminds me of our primal relationship to water, and through water the most elemental forces of life. Is there anything more simple, or more profound, than the feeling of quenching your thirst with a cold drink […]

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A Little Tenderness

A Little Tenderness

Lately, on my days in the treatment room, I’ve been finding myself prescribing more tenderness to almost everyone I treat. It seems that so many of us these days need a little more care and a little more time and focus to address our sensitivities, on every level, with warm gentleness. And what could be more natural […]

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Discovering Your Roots

Discovering Your Roots

The more I learn about the plant world, the more I’m amazed by the knowledge it holds and the parallels and teachings nature offers in our own lives. Take, for example, the potent reality and the metaphoric magic of roots. Autumn is a root time of year, when hearty root vegetables are harvested, and when […]

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A Salad Manifesto

A Salad Manifesto

Clean Eating
Here in Palm Beach, we are happily blessed all year round with beautiful fruits and vegetables at our local farmers’ market, but in September there’s a special buzz in the air as the traditional Fall harvest invites us to re-invent the ultimate salad, bringing together bold new tastes in order to absorb a seasonal burst […]

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Ode to Chamomile

Ode to Chamomile

Clean Eating
If your summer is revved up and over-busy, Chamomile might be just the thing you crave. Dissolving stress for centuries, Chamomile was used by holistic practitioners in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and India. Remarkably, the herbal remedy works as an anti-inflammatory and as a relaxant, healing wounds and boosting immunity, whether absorbed through the skin […]

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Instant Refreshment

Instant Refreshment

Clean Eating
Icy cold popsicles are an old-fashioned summertime delight. We love to make them with all our favorite juices—Watermelon or Melon, Peach, or Blueberry, or almost anything blended with Lemon or Lime. Healthy deliciousness on a stick! When creating your own blend, remember that juice freezes hard, so you’ll want to include pureed fruit to soften […]

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Tammy’s Summer Loves

Tammy’s Summer Loves

We are happy to share a few of Tammy’s seasonally summery favorites—as well as all of our best wishes for a summer full of fun + friends and glowing good health. Favorite Summertime Bloom: The wide array of rose bushes in my garden! Most Peaceful Moment of the Day: Before dawn—a quiet time of stillness and meditation. And just […]

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Antioxidants—Pure Healing Energy

Antioxidants—Pure Healing Energy

Clean Eating
When I think about antioxidants, I think about generosity and a deep-rooted, natural healing energy that starts at the molecular level.  In the simplest terms, cell damage is what ages us. Environmental stressors and pollutants produce free-radicals, which, in turn, poach electrons from our cellular structures, altering biological functions and causing disrepair. Antioxidants, however, are […]

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Collagen Boosting Super Foods

Collagen Boosting Super Foods

Clean Eating
When we talk about a eating foods that best support skin health, prime among those choices are foods that the body needs in order to build and to maintain collagen. Collagen serves as skin’s substructure, found throughout all three layers of the dermis, giving skin strength, elasticity and resiliency. As we age, we produce less […]

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