Ode to Chamomile

Ode to Chamomile

Clean Eating
If your summer is revved up and over-busy, Chamomile might be just the thing you crave. Dissolving stress for centuries, Chamomile was used by holistic practitioners in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and India. Remarkably, the herbal remedy works as an anti-inflammatory and as a relaxant, healing wounds and boosting immunity, whether absorbed through the skin […]

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Instant Refreshment

Instant Refreshment

Clean Eating
Icy cold popsicles are an old-fashioned summertime delight. We love to make them with all our favorite juices—Watermelon or Melon, Peach, or Blueberry, or almost anything blended with Lemon or Lime. Healthy deliciousness on a stick! When creating your own blend, remember that juice freezes hard, so you’ll want to include pureed fruit to soften […]

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Tammy’s Summer Loves

Tammy’s Summer Loves

We are happy to share a few of Tammy’s seasonally summery favorites—as well as all of our best wishes for a summer full of fun + friends and glowing good health. Favorite Summertime Bloom: The wide array of rose bushes in my garden! Most Peaceful Moment of the Day: Before dawn—a quiet time of stillness and meditation. And just […]

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Garden Gratitude

Garden Gratitude

Holistic Living
If there is one place where I can while away my summer hours, it’s in the garden. Time just seems to stand still for me there. My mind clears, and my troubles drift away. It’s a living sanctuary. I’ve planted a wide array of roses—my favor summertime flower—and they bloom one after the next. Their […]

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Here Comes the Sun

Here Comes the Sun

Holistic Living
We couldn’t live without our sun’s glorious radiance, but it’s that time of year when skin most needs protection from its rays.  What’s the best strategy? When in the garden or at the beach, I use physical sunblock—a big hat, sunglasses, long-sleeved T-shirt and a sarong. While that might sound a little dreary to some, […]

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Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day

Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, I find myself thinking a lot about rejuvenation—but maybe not in the way that you’d expect. While much of what I do is focused on creating formulas that enhance and restore skin’s youthfulness, all filled with the Pure Living Energy of plants that so lovingly sustain us, what I mean is something […]

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Behind the Masques

Behind the Masques

Holistic Beauty
With the thrilling launch of our two new treatment masques—Restorative Radiance Masque and Purifying Luculent Masque—I wanted to share more with you about several of the amazing healing ingredients that make these two formulations so special. When I’m creating a new formula, the part that takes me the longest is finding just the right harmony […]

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Earth Day!

Earth Day!

Holistic Living
Each year, Earth Day gives us a wonderful opportunity to honor Mother Earth, this spectacularly beautiful planet we all share. It’s the home which brings us together, no matter where we are or who we are. It’s our breath, and our life.  Which aspect of nature resonates most for you? Where do you feel the […]

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Introducing the Masque Collection

Introducing the Masque Collection

Holistic Beauty
After months of dreaming, blending, planning and perfecting, I could not be more pleased to introduce my two latest formulations—Restorative Radiance Masque and Purifying Luculent Masque. Concentrating a wealth of plants sacred to ancient medicine, these are some of the most opulently rich formulations we offer. Restorative Radiance Masque, with Lotus and Baobab, sparks cellular […]

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Just Smile

Just Smile

Sleep & Rest
Smiling—and laughing—are nature’s most healing beautifiers, as I always like to say. But the notion also goes deeper than the felt sense of enjoying a wide smile. On the neurological level, smiling is a natural mood lifter, one that releases the potent neurotransmitters and endorphins that buoy happiness and strengthen health. When our facial muscles—especially […]

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Movement Motivation

Movement Motivation

Holistic Living
That post-yoga glow, or the youthful radiance revealed by an early morning jog, is no illusion. Recent research has shown that exercise can actually reverse the effects of aging on skin. If you’re even a casual follower of this blog, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of any and all ways to boost circulation […]

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Antioxidants—Pure Healing Energy

Antioxidants—Pure Healing Energy

Clean Eating
When I think about antioxidants, I think about generosity and a deep-rooted, natural healing energy that starts at the molecular level.  In the simplest terms, cell damage is what ages us. Environmental stressors and pollutants produce free-radicals, which, in turn, poach electrons from our cellular structures, altering biological functions and causing disrepair. Antioxidants, however, are […]

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