Springtime awakens everything—the body, mind, spirt and the skin. I like to support that process by using a series of techniques to clear, detoxify and revitalize the whole being. None of these need to take a lot of time. They’re quick, easy and they can feel so good. And when you infuse each awakening practice with your intention to synchronize with the beauty of Spring’s bright energy, it can weave a connective thread through your days, weaving you into nature’s web. 

First, it’s wonderful to start the day with a glass of lemon water, giving the digestion system a boost and helping the body to alkalize. I love to use Epi-Peel and Epi-Body Polish to help slough off dull surface cells and allow physical renewal. And I love to eat more local organic leafy greens from the farmers’ market to give my liver some love as it energizes the cleansing process. Most of all, however, I love to get outside in the early morning to breathe deeply, envisioning the Spring air bringing my spirit restoration. I hope you’ll enjoy the restoration of the moment everywhere you find it. 

Greet the season with a fresh approach. Using both Epi-Peel and Epi-Body Polish in the shower brings a super-charge to your mornings, inhaling the super-charged aromas of Spearmint and Rosemary, and waking up every inch of your skin with a sloughing massage.  

Plant Milk Serum is one of my favorite formulas for Springtime, which is such a beautiful season, but can also be a very high-octane time of year. This blend is full of ingredients that soothe the skin and the spirit, including Mountain Arnica, Marshmallow Root and Milk Thistle, which not only helps cool inflammation but also helps strengthen the skin.  

In Chinese medicine, Spring ushers in an electrifying time of year defined by the wood element. To help that energy refresh your body, and clear any stagnation, try activating the acupressure point GB20, which is found where the back of your skull meets your neck, just on the outside of each tendon. You can apply light pressure with your thumbs, or with your Gua Sha tool. This point is great for releasing tension and restoring balance. 

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