As the summer starts to fade, and so many of us shift focus, getting into the busy-ness of back-to-school, it’s a great time to re-set, and set your intentions. Intentions can help us like a compass, establishing which way we’d like to travel, and remembering what moves us, but, like a compass, intentions can also help us navigate when life gets stormy. With so many unknowns on the horizon, voicing an intention to cultivate flexibility, or stay true to your goals, offers so much benefit.

Over these past months, it seems like almost everyone has embarked upon new meditative practices, and I find myself sharing more of my own meditation experience than ever before. I started meditating when I became an aesthetician, many years ago, so that I could help my clients drop into relaxation and receive my holistic treatments with more ease and depth. And I've found that the plant kingdom perfectly supports and echoes our efforts. Of all my formulas, I can say that Quintessential Serum deepens the meditative experience like no other. Blended with precious essence Rose, a renowned heart-opener and skin rejuvenator, and Frankincense, one of the most spiritual essences, and one celebrated for its skin strengthening benefits, I've found that it brings beauty to the complexion while helping us create a connection to all that is bigger than ourselves. Each facial treatment I give in the Spa ends with an anointment of Quintessential Serum to guide, nourish and protect every client on their way.

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